Along with more than 70 other civil society organizations and think tanks, Cedos is calling on NATO leaders who will meet in July at the Vilnius Summit to commit to inviting Ukraine to the alliance as soon as possible.

The NATO Summit in Vilnius is approaching. The Alliance will have the opportunity to make a historic decision: to commit to inviting Ukraine to join NATO as soon as possible. The representatives of civil society in Ukraine, firmly believe that such a commitment will be the most effective instrument for ending Russia’s war against Ukraine, preventing new aggression, maintaining Ukraine’s democratic transformations, and reconstructing Ukraine through partnerships with private enterprise in NATO member states.

Cedos calls on all friends of Ukraine and our partners to support the invitation of Ukraine to the Alliance as soon as possible, as this step will help stop the imperial war of aggression started by Russia and save the lives of people in Ukraine.

Read more about why Ukraine becoming a part of the Alliance is important not only for Ukraine itself, but also for NATO’s current members.