Event announcement

Ukrainian cities and communities face a critical challenge – preparing for recovery and laying the foundation for sustainable and just development. This requires a deep understanding of the ongoing situation in different parts of the country and analysis of the suitable best practices. Urban research has become a vital part of contemporary urban planning practice, opening us to a wide range of methodologies.  

The event will bring together Ukrainian and European organisations with extensive research experience. Participants will learn about different methods of city research, and the impact it has on practice, exchange experiences, and examine real-world cases of working in wartime conditions. The program will include presentations from representatives of organisations such as Cedos, Urban Reform, Ro3kvit, ReStart, GIZ, ORG, and Dutch-Ukrainian collective project Panorama Ukraine, as well as group discussions and panel sessions.

The discussion will focus on key aspects such as city and community research, participatory practices and immediate steps for recovery. The event is expected to culminate in the accumulation of best practices and the development of a common approach to working with cities and communities, which will serve as the foundation for their future development. The discussion will also place Ukraine's recovery within the international discourse on urban planning. 

  • When: September 14, 10:00 - 13:00
  • Where: Chernivtsi (we will inform registered participants of the exact location)
  • Working language: English (no translation)
  • To participate in workshop, please, register here

The workshop is part of the Ukrainian Urban Forum – annual landmark event in the field of urban development in Ukraine organised by Cedos think tank. 

The workshop is organised in partnership with Ukraine - Netherlands Urban Network (UNUN) – a growing community of Ukrainians in the Netherlands, Dutch architectural and spatial planning organisations and other spatial professionals who joined forces to exchange knowledge in the context of the reconstruction of Ukraine. The workshop is also organised in partnership with Panorama Ukraine – a joint project of the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR), Ukraine – Netherlands Urban Network (UNUN), Dutch Board of Government Advisors (CRa), Nieuwe Instituut (NI), the Independent School for the City, and the Vereniging Deltametropool (VDM) and is generously supported by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW). 

The workshop is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine.

This year’s Ukrainian Urban Forum will be held with the support of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung Ukraine. The main local partner is Chernivtsi City Council. The main media partner is Mistosite. Among this year’s forum partners are UN-Habitat, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine, and Ukraine – the Netherlands Urban Network (UNUN).