The European Network of Housing Researchers (ENHR) was established in 1988. To this day, it remains the largest platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge among institutions and individual researchers working on the topic of housing. Participating in ENHR allows us to broaden our academic contacts and increase our chances of obtaining research funding.

It has about 150 individual members and nearly 500 employees from 75 institutional members, representing almost every country in Europe. Last year, Cedos became the first Ukrainian organization to join the European Network of Housing Researchers as an institution.

One of the main activities of the Network is the annual conference. In 2023, it will be held in Łódź, Poland, on June 28–30 and will be dedicated to urban regeneration. ENHR also facilitates discussions about research approaches and outcomes, as well as helps to compare housing policies in different countries.

А working group on housing restoration in Ukraine “Crises, Conflict and Recovery” was established within the network.

You can learn more about the organization at the following link: