Event announcement

Autumn started vividly for us. Our study of the conditions for efficient use of government funding by the Pedagogy Academy gained an avid response. And this was just a start. The results of our organizational planning we want to share in the semi-formal atmosphere of a presentation/party on October 5th. Come to get to know us anew ;-)

Event summary

Autumn started vividly for us. Our study of the conditions for efficient use of government funding by the Pedagogy Academy gained an avid response in the researchers' community. Also we have launched the new website.

It's been already several months that we discuss, analyse, strategize. We even organize an internal conference in September. The results of this work we want to share in the semi-formal atmosphere of a presentation/party.

Come to get to know us anew on October 5th at 7 pm in Kyiv. We will tell the exact location to the registered guests. 

At the party we will tell what we plan to do in the next 2-3 years.

What expects you:

  • Presentations of our activities: current results, what we plan and what we want to achieve
  • Goodies and something warm to drink
  • Chatting about analytical support of the reforms of education, urban development and migration in Ukraine

Attire: casual. Mood: the best 😉

You do plan to come? Please register here in advance so that we could plan the event in the best way.