Event announcement

On Wednesday, June 5, at 16:00 Berlin time, Cedos will present an analytical note “Gender-Sensitive Recovery and Development at the Local Level: 20 Recommendations”.
The event will take place at the Heinrich Boell Foundation Conference Center in Berlin, you can join the event live in Berlin by registering here.
- Date and time: 05.06.2024, 16:00 Berlin time
- Address of the event: Schumannstr. 8. 10117 Berlin
- Language of the event: English
“Ensuring gender equality” and “leaving no one behind” have been part of the guiding principles of Ukraine's recovery from the very beginning. Their implementation in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine remains a challenge. National policy makers and international partners must provide enabling framework legislation, governance and funding mechanisms. However, direct interaction with certain vulnerable groups takes place at the level of municipalities where traumatized or displaced persons, victims of gender-based violence, and families of killed or wounded soldiers live. Local administrations play a leading role here.
Cedos has analyzed critical areas of activity at the local level to ensure gender sensitivity of the recovery process and social protection of vulnerable groups. The expert roundtable will discuss the key findings of this study. The text of the paper will be published on our website after the event.
- Tamara Khurtsydze, CEDOS
- Yulia Hvozdovych, NGO "Parents in Action"
- Ulrike Hopp-Nishanka, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (tbc)
- Imke Hansen, Libereco e.V
Moderator: Johannes Voswinkel, Heinnrich Boell Foundation, Kyiv Office
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During the war in Ukraine, we collect and analyse data on its impact on Ukrainian society, especially housing, education, social protection, and migration