migration, education, labor, social policy, evidence based decision making
Oleksandra has a Master’s degree in Economic analysis from KSE and Houston University and a Master’s degree in Economic policy from NaUKMA. She studied at the PhD program at Ptoukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Oleksandra participated in short-term trainings in migration orginized by МPC (Іtaly), Kiel Institute for World Economy (Germany), The Research and Information Center on Immigrant Integration (Romania), Koc University (Turkey). She had training in project management, advocacy and monitoring and evaluation. She was IMISCOE member in 2016-2017 та 2018-2020 роках.
Oleksandra joined Cedos team in 2014 as a trainee in the framework of Think Tank Young Professional Development Program. Later she did research in Ukrainian student migration, migration and population statistics, coordinated research on the system of residence registration in Ukraine, participated in the background analysis of the educational system in Ukraine for the World bank and in the formula development for result based budgeting of Universities. From 2020 actively consults think tanks and NGOs. Oleksandra was a member of the ministerial working group on the monitoring of university graduates employment (in 2018) and working group on the development of the roadmap for monitoring of the integration of IDPs. As an expert was involved in the activities of the working group on the reform of the system of residence registration (in 2018) and expert council on migration policy at NISS (2020-2021). Starting from 2016 is a lecturer of Labor Economics at NaUKMA and from 2018 is a short-term consultant for IOM projects.
Liliana Filipchuk, Nataliia Lomonosova, Oleksandra Slobodian
Anastasia Fitisova, Oleksandra Slobodian
Oleksandra Slobodian
Anastasia Fitisova, Oleksandra Slobodian
Mariia Kudelia, Oleksandra Slobodian, Andriy Solodko, Tetiana Zheriobkina
Mariia Kudelia, Oleksandra Slobodian, Andriy Solodko, Tetiana Zheriobkina