The community building center will be a modular pavilion located in the courtyard of the library. The demand for a barrier-free space was revealed during an open design session, as the three-story library building is not physically accessible and cannot be significantly altered due to its status as an architectural monument.

The Chortkiv Hromada is one of the 10 hromadas that won a competition held by the Ukraine-Moldova American Enterprise Fund and Cedos. As part of the competition, each community received a grant of 1,000,000 UAH to create a community building center, along with mentoring support from experts in architecture, culture, communications, and social interaction.

About the Center

The Library Garage will be a venue for literary events, lectures and training sessions, art and photo exhibitions, traditional crafts workshops, educational events, and sessions of the Silver Age University. Meetings of the Film Club on Zelena Street and the Book Start for Kids club, as well as musical jams, are just a few examples of regular gatherings organized by the space’s visitors.

The foundation of the Garage is its incredible people, who strive to build an even stronger community around the library and create a broader range of cultural opportunities in a small town. They aim to support each other during difficult times and help navigate the diverse experiences of the ongoing war.

Kateryna Yakovets, architect, co-creator of the Garage

The project is being implemented by the NGO Bukovinian Agency for Regional Development in partnership with the Chortkiv Public Library and the Chortkiv City Council.

Read also about the opening of a community building center in Blyzniuky in the Kharkiv Region, about the inclusive coworking space which opened in the Kovel Hromada in Volyn, and the Nezlamni veteran space which opened in Nizhyn.