Cedos launches ‘Re.Housing for Ukraine’ initiative. Its purpose is to monitor, analyze and research, as well as to develop a discussion platform to find sustainable solutions for housing reconstruction and update of housing policy in Ukraine.
“What is important in our project of reconstruction of Ukraine? The task is not only to physically rebuild the houses, apartments, bridges and roads, businesses and social infrastructure that were destroyed by Russian troops. Now is a historic moment. The moment when we can solve many old problems of the whole environment of our life once and for all,” said President Volodymyr Zelenskyi in his speech on April 16.
We believe that cities consist of people, not just walls. Relationships between people and social structures are no less important than buildings and architectural forms. Our goal is to find new social agreements for the qualitative transformation of not only the architectural and spatial component, but also the social aspects of housing and housing policy in Ukraine.
The initiative has several components:
- monitoring the situation, events and decisions in the field of housing and housing allocation during the war;
- analysis of key challenges of the existing housing policy in Ukraine;
- conducting social research on housing;
- presentation of the best Ukrainian and world developments in the topics of housing and housing policy within the public program;
- search and development of sustainable solutions for housing reconstruction, housing and renewal of housing policy in Ukraine.
As part of the initiative, Cedos seeks to unite and coordinate efforts, as well as invites cooperation. If you are interested in interaction, partnership and joining the initiative, please fill in the form.
After the start of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine, Cedos’ priority efforts were focused on addressing the most relevant issues. At the same time, the great interest in rebuilding issues, including in international circles, encourages us to devote some resources to work on this topic.
Cedos is one of the key think tanks on social development in Ukraine, operating for over 10 years. Since 2013, the organization has been working on issues of urban transformation in Ukraine; since 2019, one of the main focuses of our work is the topic of housing and housing policy. At the end of March 2022, Cedos published the first analytical note reviewing the impact of the full-scale war in Ukraine on housing. All the achievements of the organization in this topic can be found on our website.
You can support the ‘Re.Housing for Ukraine’ initiative by following the link. We thank all the people who donate to Cedos, the Prague Civic Society Center, the International Renaissance Foundation and the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Ukraine.
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During the war in Ukraine, we collect and analyse data on its impact on Ukrainian society, especially housing, education, social protection, and migration